A Nuclear-Stock Plum Collection Established at Fruit Research &Development Station Bistrița, Romania

  • Ioan Zagrai SCDP Bistrita
  • Luminita Antonela Zagrai SCDP Bistrita
Keywords: EPPO standards, plum, prebasic material, virus free


A program to establish a nuclear-stock plum collection has been started on 2008 at Fruit Research & Development Station Bistrița, Romania.  EPPO certification standards and the rules of national regulatory for obtaining nuclear-stock plum material (Prebasic) were successfully implemented. The work was performed in two steps, during 2008-2013. The first step of work was focused on 15 plum cultivars (Iulia, Matilda, Geta, Zamfira, Ivan, Dani, Doina, Romaner, Elena, Jubileu 50, Flora, Renclod Althan, Stanley, Anna Spath and Carpatin) and extended, in the second step, to other six plum cultivars (Agent, Gras ameliorat, Centenar, Minerva, Andreea and Delia). Thus, a total of 21 valuable Prunus domestica cultivars were certified as “Prebasic category†and use to establish a nuclear-stock plum collection in appropriate conditions.
