• I. Tăut Research and Management Forestry Institut, Cluj-Napoca 400202, str.Horea nr.65
  • V. Şimonca Research and Management Forestry Institut, Cluj-Napoca 400202, str.Horea nr.65
  • M. Rob 2Baia Mare Forest District of National Forest Administration
Keywords: Produce viral, chemical and biological treatments, Lymantria dispar.


The defoliators Lymantria dispar develop regular gradations in rammels of broad-leaved trees, with one predilection of oaks forests, producing important injuries to the arbors. For the protection of the forests against harmful, is applied a complex of measures (sylvicultural, chemical treatments) witch comprise the creation of forests resistant at the harmful attack and at pesticides applications. The adhibition on the large scale of the insecticides, besides the positive appearances, was distinguish and a series of negative phenomena, the most important being producing of perturbations on the whole fauna from forestry biocenosis, the disorganization of biocenosis by massively destruction of the entomofag insects, the apparition of resistant forms at insecticides, the stimulation of potential harmful activity, the necessity to return with treatments in periods more and more shorter, on the same surfaces. The negative continuations of intensive use of chemical pesticides contributed in essential measures to the stimulation of the interest for the biological fighting. The bioprep INF-LD, initially produced by I.C.P.P. Bucuresti, then of the Insect Farm, was used at the first time in the period 1977-1980, then in 1995-1998, and then in the period 2004-2006 was finalized the aplication technologies of this product in rebutment of Lymantria dispar defoliator, presented in the girlish paper. He arrived at the conclusion as the dose of bioprep is 30 grams to hectare, in middling infestations and the strong infestations, applied in 330 ml of water, respectively 50 grams / ha, applied in thin infestations the very thin in 330 ml of water. The treatment was accomplished from soil with manual atomizers.