Sociology at UASVM Cluj-Napoca

  • Mihai CUCERZAN Faculty of Horticulture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
Keywords: Keywords, sociology, economics, interdisciplinarity, USAMV Cluj


It is an axiom in psychology, pedagogy and sociology, that human education design includes professional training and humanistic, cultural and moral studies as well. Formation of human personality is not done spontaneously or as a professional component derivation or implication, but in a qualified activity, the socio-human. The study of sociology at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca can be classified into three periods. The first period, the wars, it has the spotlight on Mihai Serban (1887-1947). Personality outstanding in Cluj, Romanian high official of the state, with both economic and agronomic studies, Serban has been a vigorous campaigner for Cluj agronomic education and national development, both in his capacity as rector and dignitary. His main contributions are represented by the lifting of Romania agronomic education at university level education system. He has been an advocate of interdisciplinary, arguing for more study combining science whose object of study areas - economics, agronomy and sociology. He pleaded for agronomic development of social science based on the idea that agriculture is not an end in itself but a means for lifting material and cultural empowerment of the population.