Research Concerning the Bunch Weight Using Statistical Analysis Methods in Some Local Varieties and Biotypes in the Buziaș - Silagiu Area

  • Alin DOBREI Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry,119, Calea Aradului, 300645, Timisoara, Rom
  • Alina GHIŢĂ
  • Eleonora NISTOR
  • Florin SALA
Keywords: vine, wine, vineyards, varieties, biotypes, local, genotype


During the last years the worldwide trend in viticulture research is to restore the local varieties due to the importance of obtaining quality products, typical, authentic, and so, their research has become a fundamental one. The research was conducted in Silagiu-Buzias viticultural area among 2008-2012, and the aim was to identify and enhance the productive potential and quality of local varieties and biotypes, cultivated in the Banat region, particular in the viticultural area Buziaș-Silagiu compared with control varieties. For the estimation and interpretation of genotype x environment interaction and stability of different studied traits, various models of linear regression analysis were used. This method is based on the finding that different components of genotype x environment interaction effects are linearly correlated with environmental conditions shown by the average performance of all genotypes for studied traits. Regression significance and genotypes drift from linear regression was performed using variance analysis by the Hardwick -Wood model. Another method used for assessing the stability was ecovalence method or ecological valence. Considering estimation for the six models used, on the rank sum differences is noted that the highest stability of this trait had varieties: Ochiul boului, Coarnă neagră, Alb crocant de Buziaș, Roșu crocant de Silagiu. A high influence of genotype x environment interaction on the achievement of this trait - high values ​​of the sum of ranking differences according to statistical models used respectively - were observed in the varieties: Rășchirată albă, Coarnă vânătă and Conic auriu.
