Interrelations between the Concentration of SO2, Nox from the Atmospheric Air and S and N from Leaves of Forestry Species. Part 2. Investigations Based on Data Collected in 2011

  • Oana Viman University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Manastur St., 400372 Cluj-Napoca
  • Ioan Oroain
  • Ioan Valentin Petrescu-Mag
Keywords: leaves, needles, SO2, NOx content, atmospheric air, Cluj-Napoca.


The point of the present research was to find possible interrelations between the concentrations of SO2, NOx from the atmospheric air and S and N from leaves and needles of forestry species. The samples have been collected from six trees, from four stations of air quality control within Cluj-Napoca (CLU-1 - CLU-4). The samples have been collected at the end of September, 2011. One realizes the fact that the forestry species analyzed present considerable differences in their susceptibility to the risk of manifestation of physiological diseases function of concentration of gaseous pollutants in the atmospheric air. In monitoring station CLU-1, at species Betula pendula one can observe the fact that even though none of the pollutants taken into consideration exceed the maximum allowable concentration in the ambiental air, as a result of the interaction between these factors (R = 0.997), the manifestation of the physiological diseases is favoured, foliar lesions being noticed. In station CLU-2, at species Acer pseudoplatanus we can see that even though none of the pollutants taken into consideration exceed the maximum admitted concentration in the ambiental air, due to the interaction between these, the manifestation of physiological diseases is favoured. This can be observed macroscopically on leaves, lesions being seen on the foliar surface. In station CLU-3, at species Juglans regia one notices the fact that even though none of the pollutants exceed the maximum allowable concentration in ambiental air, as a result of the interaction between these (R = 0.995), manifestation of physiological diseases is visible. In station CLU-4, at species Pinus nigra one notices the fact that although neither SO2 nor NOx exceed the maximum allowable concentration in the air, as a result of the interaction between these two factors (R = 0.882), expression of physiological diseases in needles is favoured. This can be easily observed on the needles.
