The Influence of PGR Treatment and Nitrogen Fertilization on Some Morpho-Physiological Characters of Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

  • Adina Varadi University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3-5 Manastur St., 400372 Cluj-Napoca
  • Diana Hirișcău
  • Rozalia Kadar
  • Marcel Matei Duda
Keywords: conservative agriculture, temperature, soil moisture, production.


Recent research at a national and international level in the field of agrotechnics has as a main objective the optimization of soil functions and the preserve of soil and water resources by applying systems of conservative agriculture, securing the crop productivity under efficiency and efficacy conditions. The aim of the paper is to know the impact the soil tillage system and graduation of quantity of vegetal debris have upon the soil moisture and temperature as well as upon the production of maize and soybean crop. The research was made in the experimental field organized at the Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda (ARDS Turda). The experience was placed on a chernozem, during 2015-2018, trifactor type. The rotation is soybean-wheat-maize, the results presented in the paper were obtained in the agricultural year 2015-2016, in the maize crop, and 2017-2018 in the soybean crop. The experimental factors established were: Factor A – Crop: a1 – soybean; a2 – wheat; a3 – maize; Factor B – Soil tillage system: b1 – conventional system: reverse plough + disk 2x + sowed + fertilized (witness); b2 – conservative system with minimum tillage: chisel + rotary harrow + sowed + fertilized; b3 – conservative system with direct sowing (sowed – fertilized – herbicides); Factor C – Vegetal debris: c1 – 60% (3 t/ha); c2 – 80% (4 t/ha); c3 – 100% (5 t/ha). The soil temperature was influenced a little by the soil tillage system, but the influence is significant in the case of vegetal debris. The moisture results show significant differences, ensured statistically in the case of direct sowing, as the quantity of vegetal debris increases. The soil moisture was higher when the crops were sowed and during the first phases of vegetation, then the differences decreased in time. Maize and soybean reacted better to soil loosening, mobilizing the soil fertility and mineralization of nutritive substances, ensuring a higher production in the conventional tillage system. The aim of applying conservative agricultural practices is to accumulate, preserve and value efficiently the water coming from rainfall in order to protect the soil and to avoid desertification.
