Histological Aspects Regarding the Muscular Tissue Harvested from some Marine Fish Preserved by Refrigeration

  • N. SĂVESCU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
  • G. PREDOI Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
  • N. CORNILĂ Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
  • C. BELU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest
  • B. GEORGESCU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Bucharest


The study of the modifying which affect the muscular tissue of the fish during the cold preservation, take the liberty to obtaining of new particular data, which can be benefic in order to elucidation of some aspects regarding the freshness and the depositing conditions of the consumption of fish. On account of knowledge of the modifying induced by cold preservation of the fish muscular tissue before to put into circulation, there were made researches about some fish species (horse mackerel, sea gudgeon, garfish, iht sole), which were fished in Black Sea, bordering on Mangalia city. The muscular tissue samples were drawn at the time of capture and after 24, 48, 72 hours, during this time the fish were storaged in pounded ice. The samples, drawn from dorsal region, were fixed in 10% formalin, included in paraffine, sectioned at 6 microns and colored by usual histological methods. In the moment the samples were drawn, the muscular fibers has normal microscopical aspects, and there are parallel and accurate disposed. The striations were obvious and the nuclei were flattened, placed under the sarcolemma. The interfibrillary conjunctive tissue was unchanged. At 24 hours from fishing and storaged in pounded ice, some striations disappared and has started a visible transversal fragmentation. The cytoplasm has lightened its colour and some fibers become waved. In iht sole the change are more pronounced. At 48 hours, the aspects regarding the disorganisation are more visible, translated as increases the interfibrillary spaces. The striations were more and more rare. The fibers fragmentation are numerous. On transversal section it was observed the disappearance of nuclei. In sea gudgeon, the striations are still present and in garfish and iht sole spring up the cytoplasmatic vacuolizations. At 72 hours, the changings of muscular tissue are more pronunced, the fibers waves and the fragmentations are prevalent. The interfibrillary conjunctive tissue is dilacerated and the interfibrillary spaces are widen. In garfish the cytoplasmatic vacuolisation are more visible. Making an analysis of this aspects we can state that there are some differences regarding the manner in which are affected from frozen preservation of muscular fibers of various fish species harvested from Black Sea. The muscular tissue from horse mackerel and sea gudgeon is more resistent on preservation, while in garfish and iht sole the muscular fibers are more degradable.