Correspondence analysis to observe potential group of beekeepers as direction of interest and demographic

  • Loredana Maria Marc Horticulture
Keywords: qualitative research, beekeeping, semi-structured interview, groups of beekeepers, correspondence analysis


- Correspondence analysis is appropriate because the variables are qualitative (nominal). The purpose of such analysis is to provide a tool for analyzing the dependencies of a contingency table. This analysis delimits four quadrants where there are various cities and demographic characteristics of beekeepers from North West Region of Romania. An increasing interest is given to product flavor. This characteristic is found at the groups of beekeepers from 3 cities from North West Region of Romania (Oradea city, Baia Mare city and Bistriţa city).

Author Biography

Loredana Maria Marc, Horticulture
Economics and Rural Development
  1. Agribusiness Management and Marketing