• Maria Cantor
  • Roxana Alexandra Sabo
  • Denisa Jucan
  • Erzsebet Buta University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
Keywords: Anthurium andreanum, cultivars, houseplant, morphological characteristics


Anthurium andreanum Lind. is an ornamental plant that is widely appreciated around the world primarily for cut flower and secondary as a perennial plant growing in pots. In recent years acquired an important place in the collections of ornamental plant cultivars in our country due to the large number of varieties occur worldwide, varieties of very many forms and colors and are well adapted to our flats. In recent years enrichment assortment with new varieties and hybrids of ornamental plants is a constant activity for the promotion and marketing innovations in order to obtain high income. This paper presents the behavior of six new cultivars of Anthurium andreanum which is suitable as pot plant, cultivars were imported from Holland and were studied in 2017, at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. Of these varieties were made observations and measurements on the main morphological traits: flower stalk length and leaf length, number of leaves, spathe breadth, length of spathe, and number of flowers per plant. Data were processed using statistical calculation by analysis of variance, LSD test and also, were analyzed the coefficients of variability. Significant differences among cultivars were noted for all characteristics evaluated. Cultivar `Baleno` had the highest average number of flowers and `Alpine` recorded significant deviations above average on most of the characters experience. Through present studies it is noticed that these cultivars can be used as pots plants because of them attractive flowers and foliage

Author Biography

Erzsebet Buta, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
Horticulture and Landscaping


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Research articles