• Amar Ma'ruf Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Asahan
  • Cik Zulia Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Asahan
  • Safruddin Safruddin Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Asahan
  • Deddy Wahyudin Purba Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Asahan
Keywords: production, agricultural performance, Indonesia, food security


Indonesia is the country with the third largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from the agricultural sector in Asia. Agriculture is the backbone of the Indonesian economy, around 32% of the population works in the agricultural sector. These resources make Indonesia the largest producer of several agricultural commodities, some of which are oil palm, rubber, coconut, cacao, tea, tobacco, some spices, and rice. Despite these achievements, Indonesia still faces problems in optimizing agriculture. Both of natural resources and human resources. Climate change has also become an obstacle that has caused flooding and drought in several regions, especially in Java. The impact of these problems that is most felt is food sovereignty still has no achieved. January to November 2018 period Indonesia has to import 2.2 million tons of rice. Therefore, policies continue to be optimized, including the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) which is currently underway. Efforts to optimize Indonesian agriculture and other sectors are also supported by a demographic bonus that is predicted to start in 2020. If it is able to deal with it well, this optimization is expected can to achieve food sovereignty and pursue the achievement of being the world’s 6th biggest economic power in 2023.