Results Regarding the Valorisation of Pine Buds (Pinus sylvestris) in a Honey Based Food Supliment

  • Lidia Gizella SZANTO
  • Elena Andruta MUREȘAN
  • Andreea PUȘCAS
  • Anamaria POP
  • Romina VLAIC
  • Simona MAN
  • Georgiana MARTIȘ
  • Sevastița MUSTE
Keywords: colour, food supplement, honey, pine


Population lifestyles and socio-economic trends indicate the need for foods with enhanced health benefits. From this point of view, the demand for functional foods and dietary supplements in the global market has grown rapidly. This research aims to create a food supplement based on pine buds and honey, without thermal treatment, having no impact effect buds biologically active compounds. To obtain the food supplement, were used 2 types of honey and pine buds in 3 stages of development. The method used for sensorial analysis was nine hedonic tests. Food supplements obtained from polyflora honey and pine buds in the three stages of development were more appreciated by consumers compared to the food supplement obtained from acacia honey and pine buds in the three stages of development.

How to Cite
SZANTO, L. G., MUREȘAN, E. A., PUȘCAS, A., POP, A., VLAIC, R., MAN, S., MARTIȘ, G. and MUSTE, S. (2022) “Results Regarding the Valorisation of Pine Buds (Pinus sylvestris) in a Honey Based Food Supliment ”, Hop and Medicinal Plants, 30(1-2), pp. 296-305. doi: 10.15835/hpm.v30i1-2.14461.