The Particularities of the Growth and Development of the Feteasca Neagra Wine Variety Depending on the Terroir

  • Olga MOGILDEA Faculty of Horticulture and Forestry, Technical University of Moldova, Stefan cel Mare bd., No. 168, Chisinau, MD-2004, Republic of Moldova
Keywords: Fertility; Feteasca neagra; phenophases; productivity; region; terroir; variety.


Climate change at the global level causes various disturbances in viticultural ecosystems, causing varieties to adjust their annual vegetation cycle, often with negative consequences on the quantity and quality of the harvest, as well as the quality of the wines obtained. The analysis of the evolution of the phenophases of the vine vegetation, closely related to the environmental conditions, is an effective method of assessing the level of climate change. The purpose of this study was to analyze the peculiarities of growth, development and fruiting of the grapes of Feteasca neagra wine variety, in different wine-growing regions of the Republic of Moldova. Feteasca neagra wine variety was grown in three wine-growing regions, intended to obtain wines with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI): Valul lui Traian PGI (Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Bugeac and Leova), Ștefan Vodă PGI (Purcari) and PGI Codru (Speia and Nisporeni). In order to achieve the proposed goal and objectives, a series of observations, records and analyses were carried out according to the methods and standards accepted for viticulture by Moldova and OIV. Based on the experimental data, was noted that Feteasca neagra variety cultivated on the experimental land - Alexandru Ioan Cuza, had an average number of shoots per vine of 29.86, while the average number of grapes per shoot was 1.12. The number of grapes per fertile shoot was 1.4.  As a result of the research, it was found that the value of the quality and productivity indices depends on the canopy management, the number of buds and shoots, as well as the pedoclimatic conditions of the region.
