Incidence of Plum Pox Virus in Romanian Plum Orchards

  • Ioan ZAGRAI Fruit Research & Development Station Bistriţa
  • Luminita ZAGRAI Fruit Research & Development Station Bistriţa
  • Silvia PREDA Fruit Research & Development Station Valcea
  • Maria ISAC Fruit Research & Development Station Valcea
  • Eugen CARDEI Fruit Research & Development Station Iasi
Keywords: Plum pox virus, incidence, plum, orchards, Romania


Sharka caused by Plum pox virus (PPV) is the most detrimental viral pathogen of stone fruits. Plum pox virus was identified on the Romanian territory in 1922 by Traian Savulescu, but systematic research on the disease only started in the 1960’s (Minoiu, 1997). Presently, in Romania PPV is spread in all plum growing areas and became one of the significant limiting factors for a profitable plum growing. Romanian fruit crops (stone and pome fruits) include about 158 000 ha of orchards. Stone fruit species cover 87 000 ha (55 %). The plum is the dominant fruit specie in Romania, covering approximately 75 000 ha (48 %) (FAO 2008) and hence is of great economic importance.