The Influence of Organic Fertilizers Concerning the Growth and Development of Brassica oleracea var. acephala Plants

  • Simina Laura BALCǍU
  • Adrian ZAHARIA
  • Delia POP
Keywords: kale, multi-phase fertilization, organic fertiliser


Kale (Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala D.C.) is one of the vegetables that contains highlevels of lutein and β-carotene, which possess important human health properties (Lefsrud, 2007), butit is a little cultivated vegetable specie and the conducted research on the crop technology of thisspecies is quite poor. The aim of this work was to study the influence of organic multi-phasefertilization on the development of kale plants. The experiment was organised in the didactic fields ofthe University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. It was a bifactorialexperiment, in which factor A - the cultivar- had two variants: Winterbor F1and Redbor F1,and factor B - the type of fertiliser has 3 variants: unfertilised, cattle dung and poultry manure. Verysignificant differences were observed in plants fertilized with poultry manure. The results obtainedare: 52.3 cm height at the Redbor F1 hybrid, than 21.5 was the highest average number of leaf perplant at Winterbor F1 hybrid, 26.79 cm and 14.72 cm were the highest average for leaf length andrespectively leaf width at the Redbor F1 hybrid. In conclusion the fertilization with poultry manureassured better development of kale plants, in terms of plant height, leaf size, and number of leaves perplant.