PCR Protocol Optimization for Genetic Diversity Assessment and Molecular Characterization of Sour Cherry Cultivars

  • Ioana Virginia BERINDEAN
  • Eugen CARDEI
  • Gabriela ROMAN
  • Monica STURZEANU
  • Doru PAMFIL
Keywords: genetic diversity, Prunus, SSR markers transferability, sour cherry


Sour cherry is an economical important tetraploid species in Europe. Use of SimpleSequence Repeats (SSRs) as descriptors to characterize and differentiate a set of 15 sour cherryvarieties from three National Collections from Romania, represented by selections from local varietiesand hybrids from our country and foreign origin was taken as a leading case study for plant varietyprotection purposes. A set of sixteen SSR markers taken from the literature which was used for geneticdiversity in different genus of Prunus such as sweet cherry, sour cherry, peach, apricot. The PCRamplification protocol and annealing temperature for each primer pair was optimized for use in sourcherry. In these partial results, only for five (25%) primer pairs the optimum annealing temperature toamplify the sour cherry varieties was found. Similarly, 63°C and 66.2°C were found optimum forprimer pairs pchgms1 and UDP96-003, only the last one from all primer pairs was polymorphicbetween varieties. For primer pairs pchgms2 the annealing temperature was 64°C and 66°C; 67°C and69°C for UDP96-001; 61.3°C for UDP97-402. No more then four fragments were amplified for eachvarieties/primer pair combination. From these results we conclude the transferability and applicabilityof SSR markers for genotyping and phylogenetic studies in the genus Prunus.