The Establishment of Technological Sequences for the Culture of Carrot

  • Tincuța Marta GOCAN
  • Dănuț N. MÄ‚NIUÅ¢IU
  • Ileana ANDREICA
Keywords: carrot, production, fertilization, cultivar


The carrot is a species belonging to the group of root vegetables, important for the use in humannutrition. The emergence of a diverse variety of carrots characterized by new cultivars (hybrids andvarieties), with different growing seasons, requires an appropriate technology for each region of thecountry. The experience was set up in 2011, in Cluj County, on an experimental group in threerandomized repetitions. The following experimental factors were taken into consideration: the cultivar(‘Nantes’ and ‘Flakker’), the sowing period (March and May) and the mode of fertilization (organic andchemical). The procedure for the determination of the production was by weighing, andexpressed in tones/hectare. It can be noted that chemical fertilization had a positive influence on theproduction. Moreover, it appears that ‘Flakker’ variety, sown in March and chemically fertilized recordedthe highest production of 35.07 t/ha, obtaining a distinctively significant production increase of 5.72% ascompared to the ‘Nantes’ variety, sown in March and chemically fertilized. The sowing period had anegative impact upon production as the crops sown in March had a yield of 29.25 t/ha as compared to thecrops sown in May that recorded a difference of -1.75% which is significant.