Seed Diversity and Adaptability to Environmental Factors in Slătioara, Stulpicani Forestry, (România)

  • Iuliana JALUBÄ‚
Keywords: diversity, environmental factors, regeneration, seeding, stationary potential


The present research is included in the orogenetic morph-structural Carpathian mountainstructure, cristal-mesozoic sub-unit from the Oriental mountainous area. Because of the presence oflimestone and dolomites in the high altitudinal area (u.a. 35B, is situated at an altitude of 1190 m),which determines additional heat in the local topoclimate, the superior limit of birch, spruce and beechmixture is higher on these rocks. In adittion, the lack of homogeneity of the landscape whichdetermines the local presence of some phenomenon such as wind, cavitations, and thermal inversions,play an essential role in the formation of the microclimate from the study surface. It was observed thatthe percentage of species from the regeneration is influenced by the stational conditions that actdirectly on the setting and development of species, as well as their vitality. Thus, the percentage ofseedlings from the 3`rd class of vitality was equal with the one of seedlings from the first class ofvitality. Regarding the growth in height of seedlings, it was observed that they are well represented bybeech and spruce till the height of 60 cm but also of over 100 cm, unlike the fir tree which presents anobvious reduced growth in height when over 20 cm. The secondary mix species, the maple and ashtree are concentrated in the height interval of 1-60 cm, after a while disappearing from thecomposition. This can be explained by the competition between species for sunlight.