Research Regarding the Planting Density Influence upon the Growth, Development and Yield of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica campestris var. pekinensis (Lour.) Olson) in Early Protected Crops in Transylvanian Tableland Specific Conditions

  • EnikÅ‘ LACZI
  • Alexandru Silviu APAHIDEAN
  • Alexandru Ioan APAHIDEAN
Keywords: Brassica campestris, Chinese cabbage, correlation, planting density, protected crop, Transylvanian Tableland


In the spring of 2011 a research was organized in the experimental field which belongs tothe Vegetable Growing Department, from Faculty of Horticulture of the University of AgriculturalSciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca. The main purpose of this experiment was the study oftwo varieties of Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. pekinensis (Lour.) Olson) planted atdifferent densities in early crops from polyethylene tunnels in Transylvanian Tableland specificconditions. In this research were used two varieties (‘Vitimo F1’ and ‘Granat’), and three plantingdensities (100 thousand plants/ha, 80 thousand plants/ha and 66.7 thousand plants/ha). The resultsshowed that best results were obtained at a density of 80 thousand plants/ha, thereby the highestweight of plants was recorded at ‘Vitimo F1’, while the heaviest cabbage heads were measured at‘Granat’ variety, planted at the same density. There were no bolted plants at ‘Vitimo F1’ hybrid, whileat ‘Granat’ variety the bolting percentage reached even the value of 35%. The highest yield, 97.47t/ha, was registered at ‘Granat’ variety.