Morphological Characterization and Identification of the Variety and the Form of Eight Biotypes of Rosa Canina from Transylvania

  • Ioana ROMAN
  • Andreea STÄ‚NILÄ‚
  • Liviu HOLONEC
Keywords: biometric characteristics, genitors, macroscopic features, organoleptic characteristics, rosehip fruit


Dog Rose is a shrub species which has many varieties due to adaptation to differentenvironmental conditions. This study aims to describe the morphology of: shoots, leaves, thorns,flowers, hips (false fruits) and seeds of Rosa canina for eight biotypes of wild flora of Transylvania.Also aims to identify macroscopic features, biometric and organoleptic characteristics of rosehip fruit.Desired identifying variety and form it belongs to each of the biotypes studied. Based on theinvestigations can be selected the best genitors in the rosehip fruit size and its production. Themethodology used includes macroscopic analysis of 50 samples for each character studied of eachbiotype. There are obvious morphological differences between hips in terms of weight (1.17-3.25 g),size (1.2-4.6cm long), seeds number, fruit size and color. The explanation is that biotypes analyzed arefrom different areas with altitudes between 173-1250m. As a result studies have identified eightbiotypes of rosehip varieties and forms as belonging to the following: Var. Lutetiana f. psilogyna(Arad, Galșa), f. flexibilis (Cluj, Feleac), f. fallens (Satu-Mare, Petea); Var. Transitoria f. ramosissima(Bistrița-Năsăud, Agieșel), f. montivaga (Bistrița-Năsăud, Salva); Var. Andegavensis f. vinealis(Bistrița-Năsăud, Beclean); Var. Assiensis (Cluj, Mănăștur); Var. Andegavensis f. transsilvanica(Sălaj, Buciumi). The results are expressed during the research that indicates the information,morphological, genetic, biological and biophysical. Analyzed biotypes can also provide solutions forquick and efficient recovery of degraded land, aspect important in the context of global warming.