The Variation of the Different Seeds Traits on F3 Hybrid Combinations of Calendula

  • Adriana-Daniela BACIU
  • Doru PAMFIL
  • Adriana F. SESTRAS
  • Radu E. SESTRAS
  • Lucica MIHALTE
Keywords: pot marigold, genotypes, traits, seeds emergence


In order to assess the variation of several traits of Calendula seeds, fourteen hybrid families(intra- and interspecific; F3 generation) were studied. The seeds length, width and seeds thickness werethe main quantitative seeds characteristics assessed, on top of the plant emergence as well. The F3hybrid C. arvensis ‘121GE’ × C. arvensis ‘121GE’ had the biggest seed length, while the hybridfamily ‘Prycosnovjenie’ × ‘Bon-Bon Orange’ was noted for large values regarding seeds width, andseeds thickness. Even if the seed polymorphism is a common phenomenon, in the present study theseeds length, width and thickness were noted with a less extended variation. For plant emergence, thehighest percentage (93.30%) was obtained in the frame of two hybrid combinations: ‘Prycosnovjenie’× ‘Bon Bon Mix’ and Pacific Beauty’ × ‘Bon-Bon Orange’. The information regarding themorphological traits of seeds in hybrid progeny may be useful for compared with the parents andestimate the inheritance of seeds traits at Calendula.