Results Regarding the Ways to Produce Seedlings of Brassica oleracea var. acephala

  • Simina Laura BALCǍU
  • Adrian ZAHARIA
  • Delia POP
Keywords: cultivar, edible landscaping, Redbor, Winterbor


The interest in practicing the "edible-landscaping" grew more and more in our days,because it satisfies the human need for beauty, but also provides the necessary of vegetables. Thevegetable that is most often used in landscape architecture is kale, its resistance to winter lowtemperatures, ensures the winter scenery. Given the importance and multiple utility of this vegetablespecie, it was considered useful to organize an experience in terms of obtaining seedlings. Bifactorialexperience was organized. The first factor was the variety of kale, with two graduations, Winterborand Redbor varieties were studied. The second factor was the method of obtaining seedlings, also withtwo graduations transplanted and untransplanted seedling. At the end of the experience, the resultsshowed that by transplanting were obtain seedlings of a higher quality. In conclusion, although thekale may be sown directly into the field without having to transplant, but to get more vigorous plantswith a higher aesthetic value for use in landscape architecture, it is still recommended to get theseedling by transplanting.