New Perspective Lines of Hot Pepper Obtained at V.R.D.S Buzău (Romania)

  • Costel VáŽNÄ‚TORU
  • Bianca ZAMFIR
Keywords: breeding, genotypes, hot pepper, new lines, segregation


The low number of local cultivars at this species (Capsicum anuum var. anuum) and alsotheir deficiencies according to basic rules such as: distinction, homogeneity, stability imposed theinitiation of a breeding program of this species at V.R.D.S. Buzău started since 1996. The germplasmcollection possessed more than 50 valuable lines. The main objectives were: productivity andearliness, crop quality, disease and extreme weather resistance. 10 valuable lines were investigated andpresented in this study. Hybrid population were repeatedly individual selected over six generationsfollowed by repeated annual mass selection. The 10 lines demonstrated that this species has valuablegenetical resources that are unexplored and unknown yet in our country. The present study highlightsthe late years achievements in what concerns the hot pepper breeding at V.R.D.S. Buzău.