A New Harmful Lepidoptera Noctua pronuba L. Occurence in the Center of Transylvania
Noctua pronuba L. is one of the most common species of the Noctuidae family in Europe. The research
was carried out at Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda (ARDS Turda) in order to
estimation the pest population from soybean crop, in 2022. The pests monitoring has been done usingTetratrap traps with Romanian synthetic sex pheromones from the “Raluca Ripan” Chemical Research
Institute Cluj-Napoca, the atraGAM and atraSEG variants. In the climatic conditions, a significant
number of adults of the species Noctua pronuba L. (96 adults) were captured in sex pheromone trapswith baites which contain acetic acid. The flight dynamics of N. pronuba L. suggest the possibility of thedevelopment of only one generation per year, in the area of the Transylvanian plain. In the absence ofa sex pheromone for N. pronuba L., baits with acetic acid can be a tool for monitoring and controlling
populations of this pest in soybean crop.