Pathogens Attack in Two Potato Varieties in Absence of Fertilization in Specific Climatic Conditions
One of the main crops, which continues to be appreciated for its multiple uses,in Romania, is potato. The most significant potato pathogens are Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and Alternaria solani Sorauer. The aim of the research is to identify the Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary and Alternaria solani Sorauer attacks on two potato varieties in specific climatic conditions of North-West Romania. The experiment was developed in 2022, in specific climatic conditions of Gilău commune, (46°45’20’’N, 23°23’21’’E). Two potato varieties were considered, Redsec and Roclas. No fertilization was administered, but treatments were performed conventionally (metiram 80%), and unconventionally (2% Allium cepa aqueous extract, and 4% Allium cepa aqueous extract). The results of our trial emphasize the climatic conditions of the experimental site in 2022. The highest attack degrees of the monitored pathogens are observed when no treatment and no fertilization were applied, with the highest value by the entire trial of 42.40%, reported for Alternaria solani Sorauer in Redsec variety. The lowest attack degree is observed for Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary in Roclas when conventional treatment is applied, of 15.50%.