Instructions to Authors
The ProEnviroment journal of research, information and professional training publishes peer-reviewed, original research, critical reviews or short communications in agriculture, and environment, food science & technology, human nutrition, animal science, with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary studies in the field of food, agricultural, and environmental interfaces. The journal considers manuscripts on biotechnology, ethical and socioeconomic issues related to modern agricultural or environmental sciences.
The journal offers advertisement space for special announcements and employment opportunities.
Kindly send us by email a short abstract of your manuscript. If your manuscript fits the scope of our journal, we will request to send your manuscript to two external reviewers. Once reviewed and improved, you may send via email (MS Word) your manuscript inclunding original prints of photos or graphs.
Please note that inadequately or incorrectly prepared manuscript will be rejected. Authors will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their paper normally within 2 months, followed by a decision. Only accepted manuscripts will be published within a short period of time. The estimated period varies between 2 and 5 months.
The corresponding author must obtain the consent of all co-authors for the submission of the manuscript. Manuscript will only be accepted on the understanding that the contents have neither been published nor arebeing considered for publication elsewhere. The accepted manuscript or other contributions will be published inthe Print and/or Online version of the journal. When the manuscript is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to assign full copyright.
Manuscript length should not normally exceed 20 pages, 1.5 line spacing, 12 fonts, including all relevant materials. The hard copy of the manuscript should be typed in 1.5 line spacing on one side of A4 paper with 2.5 cm wide left, right, top and bottom margins.
the use of italics should be restricted to general and species name, and chemical descriptors (e.g. cis, trans etc) and journal and book titles. Do not underline any headings. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum and indicated by * or +.
Do not use full stops after abbreviations unless essential for clarity. Abbreviations of chemical and other names should be defined when first mentioned in the body of the paper, unless commonly used and internationallyknown and accepted. Use SI units in accord with the recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Use the form g kg-1 etc (not %) to specify content/composition/concentration. Use %, only to express proportional change. Avoid the use of g per 100g, for example in food/feed composition; insteaduse g kg-1. Fertilizer rates should be presented in terms of the element applied. Unusual symbols (including Greek lettering) should be defined in words in the left margin at the first mention, e. g. Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Identify each enzyme together with its EC number, if available, at the first mention, following there commendations of the latest edition of Enzyme Nomenclature, and use the current systematic IUPAC nomenclature throughout.
Title should be bold and 14 fonts (e.g., Environmental pollutants….). Following 2 line space, the author(s) full name(s) (starting with name then family, 12 fonts, bold), then full address(es) where the work wasdone, and include tel/fax/e-mail addresses (if available) of the corresponding author in Italics. The main body ofthe paper should be divided into numbered sections (e.g., Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and References). The abstract must be informative yet concise, and should not exceed 300 words. List no more than ten Key words. Refer to unpublished work only in the text (e.g. Popescu I.N. unpublished). Cite the references at the appropriate place in the text using numbers in order in which they appear and a full numerical list must appear in the Reference section, giving all authors with initials after the respective surname.
All tables and figures (drawings and photographs) should be in appropriate section of the text. Each table should have a concise self-explanatory title, and abbreviations used should be defined directly below the tables. Figures should be large enough to allow a potential 33% reduction in size. All legends to figures should be printed on the same sheet for each figure. Photographs, if used, should be of good contrast.
For further information, please contact the Editorial office at:
[email protected]