Chlorogenic Acid Reduces Oxidative Stress in Rpe Cells

  • Adela PINTEA University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Street, No. 3-5,
  • Dumitriţa RUGINĂ University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Street, No. 3-5,
  • Raluca PÂRLOG University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Street, No. 3-5,
  • Andreea VARGA University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Mănăştur Street, No. 3-5,


Our purpose was to determine whether chlorogenic acid (CGA) influence the levels of antioxidant defense status by monitoring the activity of catalase (CAT), of superoxide dismutase (SOD), reduced glutathione (GSH) content and the generation of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). Confluent RPE cells (D407) were preincubated with l00 µM chlorogenic acid and after phenolic acid removal, cells were oxidatively challenged with 500µM H2O2. The dose of l00µM chlorogenic acid did not induce morphological changes in RPE cells, indicating a viability of 88% comparing with control after 24h of treatment. CGA treatment has not cytotoxic effect and reduces the cytotoxic effect of hydrogen peroxide in RPE cells. Chlorogenic acid treatment (1) up regulates the antioxidant enzymes activities CAT and SOD in RPE, especially in oxidatively stressed cells; (2) determine an increase of reduced glutathione concentration and, (3) decrease intracellular ROS generation in RPE cells subjected to oxidative stress. Chlorogenic acid could be a potential antioxidant agent for RPE cells, protecting them by oxidative stress.