Growth Evolution of Piglets in the Biobase of UASVM Cluj

  • Ilie CORNOIU University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
  • Ionel TOADER
Keywords: piglets, fodder consumption, crossbred, growth dynamics


In suina breeding practice the economic interest is covered by the situations when for fattening are comprised a greater number of individuals capable to realize body weight gains with a reduced fodder consumption in a shorter time unit.

Starting from this premise, in our researches we proposed to put into evidence the body weight accumulations in two different seasons, in breeding conditions specific for suina biobase sector. As biological material we used piglets’ lots obtained in 2011, after spring and autumn parturitions. Crossbreds between Large White, Duroc and Pietrain represented the biological material. The conclusions are for the breeders interested to purchase biological material destined exclusively for meat production.

Author Biography

Ilie CORNOIU, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
Catedra II