Morphological and Reproductive Characteristics of the Bazna Swine Population Kept as Genetic Stock at SCDA Turda

  • Alexandru NAGY SCDA, 27 Agriculturii Street, 401100 Turda
  • Vasile MICLEA
  • Ioan HAS
  • Atilla MATE
Keywords: Bazna, body measurements, reproduction, genetic stock


Body measurements and certain reproductive indexes were computed for a Bazna population kept at SCDA Turda as genetic stock. Values were compared to those reported in 1999 when this population was last analyzed. The data has induced us to conclude that breeding and selection have lead to an increase in both height at withers and rump proving that this breed has been improved toward meat production. Prolificacy and piglet weight at birth are within breed standards but closer to the lower limit. The weight of piglets weaned at 56 days is above 11 kg, which represents a good start for their growth. A negative element is the high piglet mortality before weaning.
