Histosoils in Romania - Preservation and Sustainable Management Measures

  • Ioan Păcurar USAMV-CN, IPM
  • Doina Clapa
  • Anca Şotropa
  • Mihai Buta
  • Mircea Dunca
Keywords: histosoil, protection, peat lands, peaty soils, peat bogs, sustainable management


The peatlands coverage in Romania is over 7000 ha according to Pop and of about 6000 ha according to Taylor, occupying the 34th place in the world, which represents 0, 03% from the country’s surface. The surface covered by these ecosystems is much smaller. They are concerted in 436 deposits having a stock of over 82.500.000 m3. According to the same author from all the peatlands 171 are eutrophical, having a surface of over 5700 ha, with a peat stock of over 55.000.000 m3, representing the largest surface and the rest of 265 are oligotrophical peats, having smaller surfaces, being concentrated in the boreal level of the spruce fur forests from the Romanian Carpathians. The largest surfaces are found in the Apuseni Mountains, in the Dornelor and Sucevei Basin, in Tara Oasului and Maramuresului, in the Calimani Mountains, the Semenic Mountains and the superior Basin of Sebes. Floristic composition found in peat ecosystems in Romania is unique, many relict species living here during the last ice age. Peat swamps are the first places in the top of the plant and animal species extinct or endangered. Therefore, the peat swamps occupy a special place so far as protection and conservation are concerned.